Cloud shrinkflation

- 10 mins read

After having witnessed the atrocious buzz of LLMs and the rise of AI-at-every-cost, I’ve turned back to a world where I’m more familiar and that lost its fame, cloud.

This post delves into optimizing Java Spring Boot startup times, a crucial aspect of cloud deployments.

Disclaimer : this post will be a bit more technical than the previous one but you can still read it after having a pint. While I aim for working code snippets, intermediate ones might need adjustments. This article consolidates information from various sources, applying them to a real-world scenario. Also something worth to notice, all this walkthrough article sums up all the Baeldung guides and stuff you can find on the topic, the goal of this post is to share a real-life application and not the Spring PetShop (although I like cats).

LLMs incidence on my daily basis

- 7 mins read

The idea that made me kickstart this blog is the very recent arrival of LLMs in our life.

Disclaimer : this is just some mood bill with few tech opinions. And these opinions could be easily found in a pub after a few pints.